The conservative Catholic organisation, Sodalicio de Vida Cristiano, was absolved last week of charges against it of sexual abuse to young men and boys. The public prosecutor examining the case, Pilar Peralta Ramírez, said that insufficient proof had been presented to ensure conviction.

The verdict came as a blow, but probably no surprise, to the two journalists who had brought the case, Pedro Salinas and José Enrique Escardó. Salinas was co-author (with Paola Ugaz) of a best-selling book on Sodalicio and its founder Luis Fernando Figari who was at the centre of the accusations, entitled ‘Mitad monjes, mitad soldados’ (Half Monks, Half Soldiers). In a tweet, Salinas commented: “This is my Peru”. Alberto de Belaunde, a congressman for the ruling PPK party, deplored the judge’s decision and said he intends to open a congressional investigation into the activities of Sodalicio.

The two journalists say they will continue efforts to bring Sodalicio to book, initially by appealing Peralta’s judgement. Salinas declared that her decision to shelve the case for lack of proof “bordered on the absurd” as the book detailed testimony from many of those abused over the last 40 years. In April 2016, following publication, the superior of Sodalicio, Alessandro Moroni, publicly asked for the victims’ forgiveness.

The judicial ruling has resulted in a number of protests and demonstrations.