On 20 November, OPIO, the organisation of Peruvian jungle peoples, issued an appeal to the UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, as well as to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), denouncing the Loreto regional government and SERFOR (the government forestry service) for promoting forestry concessions in reserves designed to protect indigenous peoples living in isolation.

Since 1993 ORPIO and other members of AIDESEP have appealed in vain to the state for the demarcation of five such reserves in Loreto. Instead, between 2016 and 2018, the regional government has approved at least 43 forestry concessions in two of the reserves (Yavari Tapichi and Yavari Mirim) in contravention of both Law 29736 (on forestry and fauna) and international treaties to which Peru is signatory.

In 2017, the regional office of SERFOR published a map offering 197 fast-track forestry concessions within these reserves as well as that of Napo Tigre. The Defensoria del Pueblo has called for the annulment of the concessions in all five reserves, alongside the completion of their official recognition and demarcation as reserves for indigenous peoples living in isolation.