In a piece written for The Guardian, David Hill picks up on an annual report written by a panel of experts on impacts at the Camisea gasfields. While the report is congratulatory in what it sees as the macroeconomic impacts (on growth, exports etc.), it is scathing on the impacts on local indigenous people. Referring to the Matsigenkas (one of the indigenous tribes living in the vicinity of Camisea, it claims that these have seen their living conditions deteriorate, not improve as a consequence of the project. “The main weaknesses [of Camisea] identified are related to development opportunities for indigenous peoples in Camisea, who have not benefited and may be worse off than before in terms of health, nutrition, education, and overall perception of wellbeing.” Hill goes on to argue that the Matsigenkas are not alone, and that other tribes, such as the Nantis and Nahuas have also suffered. For The Guardian report, go to: